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Hosting provider HOSTLIFE provides services for hosting exclusively legitimate web resources that do not violate current Ukrainian and international legal norms.
Therefore, before ordering the service, please read the list of content that is strictly prohibited for posting on our computing facilities.


Placing links to third-party resources with prohibited content is also prohibited.
Resources that contain prohibited content are blocked without the possibility of a refund immediately after detection.


Upon receipt of a justified complaint from copyright holders regarding the placement of counterfeit materials, a temporary suspension of the site's operation is possible until the cause of the complaint is eliminated and the copyright holder's demands are satisfied.
Such a sanction is a last resort and is applied only if the client does not respond to the complaint within 24 hours from the moment the client is notified of the complaint.
In case of regular complaints of the same type, blocking of the site may be final.

In the event of receiving justified complaints about violations of established rules for hosting web resources, or in the event of independently identifying their violations, the HOSTLIFE administration reserves the right to issue invoices for repayment of penalties in the amount of $50 to $500 (and in some cases even higher ), and immediate blocking of the client’s access to content hosted on our facilities until their repayment.